Mary Murphy Counselling
“Mary Murphy is clear-eyed and compassionate. She has a strong knowledge base in adolescent and adult development. She has an unfaltering belief in the individual’s innate wisdom and healing potential. This acts as a powerful beacon for families in times of turbulence and transition.”
-Wyn Schoch MD,
Child, Adult, and Family Psychiatrist
"Mary Murphy was my counsellor, she has helped me over come so much! I've gone through plenty counsellors growing up, and none of them have made me feel as safe as Mary has. Being her client was the best. She's helped me over come self harm, and most importantly.. She has helped me get my bond back with my mother. If it weren't for Mary, I don't know where I'd be today. It's her encouraging words, and her kind heart, that have me where I am today. Thanks to Mary, I know my value as not only a person, but as a mother to my child. Mary has helped me open up, and talk about things I didn't even know bothered me. Mary was my guidance while I was pregnant. I thank you, Mary Murphy. For everything you've done for not only myself, but my son also."
- Shay'lene David.
"Mary Murphy and I have known each other for many years as colleagues and as dear friends.In my work life I was the director of an adolescent treatment centre and I had the opportunity to see Mary in her interactions with our clients; youth, their families and their community supporters. She is
very knowledgeable and well-connected in her field. She reaches out to young people and their families in a genuine, warm and accepting way. She can be calm, empathic and reassuring at the same time, decisive and action focussed.Now that I am retired and living in Ottawa, Mary and I are still very close friends and I look forward to her visits."
-Lindsay Setzer
Former Executive Director
Maples Adolescent Treatment Center
“For Mary, counselling is a way of life. She is committed to her own growth as well as to that of others. Her way of looking upon people (unconditionally valuing them) underlies the therapy she offers. She has that rare capability of “calling forth” the ability for self-understanding.”
-Linda McDonald, MA, RCC,
Counsellor and Meditation Teacher
“Mary Murphy has worked with youths and families, individuals and groups, for over thirty years. She is exceptionally dedicated to her clients welfare and personal growth.”
-C.S. Patterson MD
“My teenage daughter and I were in a crisis, with diametrically opposed views on how to resolve a serious problem we shared. Mary helped us with great sensitivity, to find our way through what we perceived to be an impossible situation. We were able to move forward and keep our mother-daughter bond from suffering a terrible rupture. My daughter is flourishing.”
-Sheilagh McEvenue,
"I am an adolescent psychiatrist in Vancouver and have worked with Mary for 16 years. She is an extremely caring and responsible individual. She is skilled at identifying problematic issues and is diligent at working towards a successful outcome. I feel comfortable in recommending her services to patients and families that need to address emotional or behavioural issues. She is a very competent clinician."
-Michael Stefanelli,
Adolescent Psychiatrist
“Mary Murphy empowers her clients by using their own resources to heal and solve life problems. She is both caring and insightful Mary has experience and integrity and I am confident in referring patients to her”
-Adrianne Ross MD
"I had the privilege of working with Mary Murphy as a therapist and report writer for over 10 years. She is a very dedicated and skilled professional who is passionate about helping others. She was able to work effectively with challenging youth and their families and was well respected by her peers. She is approachable, a great listener which are invaluable tools as a therapist. Her reports was detailed and it was readily evident that she knew her clients and subject matter well"
- Darryl Persello,
Realtor®Certified Negotiation Expert®Macdonald Realty
"I have known Mary Murphy for about 20 years, as co-worker and then friend. What impressed me the most about her presentation and counselling skills at work was her intensity and clarity of communication. She is extremely direct, and was able to handle quite dangerous confrontations with equanimity, courage and grace.
Mary is my most caring and compassionate friend. She is wise, worldly, and brilliantly intuitive. In my opinion, among her most valuable and unique traits is her ability to deeply listen and her honesty. Ie. Mary is not prone to false comfort or sympathy if clients want and need change, and yet is the most strongly supportive and empowering advocate.
Mary's ethical standards, strong spiritual practise, and way-of-being in the world and caring for the earth, have made her a role model and mentor of mine. Most importantly, Mary communicates joy and humour with a kind and loving heart."
- Patti Hirschberg
Friend and Colleague